Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Media Coverage of Pitbull Mommy Death Lacks Details!!!

The television news coverage of the Pitbull Mommy who was killed by Kentucky Dog Warden showed none of the questionable elements of the story. The accounts between Jessica Shane and Bill Richards were quite different...yet LEX18 News at 5 spun the story neatly together as if there was no question as to whether the Warden was actually attacked!

 Were there no other witnesses to this tragic event?

 A couple of things don't add up with his own account of the attack...

1. The timeline the news story created was quite different than the one told by either of  them. (Read their separate accounts.)

2. If the dog was tranquilized after supposedly attacking the warden, why didn't he muzzle the dog in case she woke up? Or even place her in a carrier? Any dog warden or vet will tell you that there is a possibility of the tranquilizer wearing off and the dog waking up. Officer states that there were children around as if he were concerned about their safety. If so why did he not take precautionary steps while the dog was unconscious?

3. He also said he used a .22 calibre rifle to shoot her between the eyes...so, he had time to grab a RIFLE while she was unconscious...but didn't once think of getting a muzzle or carrier...something that would protect him without resorting to lethal force???

4. In a chat with Jessica just after the news anchor left, she informed us that she showed LEX18 the chain that Richards claims "broke" when he describes  the first attack...according to her it is NOT BROKEN! Why would he bring back a broken chain???

5. Why did the Humane Society kill the puppies so quickly? They could have nursed from another Pitbull Mother in any of the other shelters in the area and SURVIVED?!!!


While this story has outraged many across the world, we at SecondChancePet.org are very concerned about all the death threats that have been directed at Mr. Richards. Please refrain from acting out like common criminals. Those who threaten to kill another human being are no better than Mr. Richards.

We are all disturbed by the Pitbull Mommy story and I am sure more details will emerge and justice will prevail...


You only hurt the reputations of animal activists who have worked so hard to be compassionate!